Job-, Sport-, Life-Coaching

Job, life and sports coaching

Job and family:Creative solutions for a happy connection.

“OUTburnOUT”: Respect your own limits by means of body-oriented psychotherapy
Copyright 2008 by Ute Mahrand learn to make everyday life more energy-efficient.

Leadership skills: How is my power best accepted by others?
Leadership as “introducing beneficial order” in mindfulness
Dealing with one's own power.

Communication training: Self-expression between empathy and demarcation.

Conflict management: Getting involved and letting go, solution strategies and
“The right distance”.

Motivation: How can I make my job more enjoyable?

"COUPLEVOLUTION": Newly developed approach to couple and sex therapy on the
Copyright 2008 by Ute MahrBackground to the findings of modern research
Social psychology, systemic therapy, brain research,
Ethnology and Body Therapy.

Personality development: Self-awareness and self-management.

Rhetoric: From breathing technique to correct posture to linguistic

Sports coaching: Processing of self-blockages that inhibit success,
Promote self-motivation and purposeful
Gathering strength in all sports.

Time management: "Setting priorities without regrets."

Nobility coaching: Noble families have borne the burden of “aristocracy obligated” for centuries.
Copyright 2008 by Ute MahrThis responsibility leads to a multitude of special
psychological stress factors as well as resources that a
must take precise coaching into account.

"WohlFRIED": Prosperity and peace of mind.
Copyright 2008 by Ute MahrHappiness and peace of mind do not depend on wealth,
but very many people are unhappy despite their wealth.
This is where coaching that addresses the special problems of
"Having" taken into account help to enjoy wealth
and to promote peace in one's soul.
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