Groups / Training

Group therapy

Due to the current pandemic ONLINE until further notice:

1) Body-oriented group psychotherapy
with a focus on loving and precise self-awareness, grounding and demarcation

Body and mind, psyche and soul are different dimensions of our being human. In this group we experience the differences, learn to use them to heal ourselves and bring these aspects into a beneficial harmony in our midst.
Please take part in comfortable, non-cramping clothing - preferably "onion skin-like" so that you can put on and take off items of clothing depending on how warm and cold you feel. Very important: warm socks.
Please have an insulating or yoga mat ready, a blanket and a large towel. Avoid contact lenses if possible.

Times: 1st and 3rd Monday: 7:00 p.m. - 8:40 p.m. (every 14 days, holidays by arrangement based on the school holidays).
On Monday, January 18th Free online start so that we can all try how we can handle the technology. I am equipped with a widescreen monitor and a corresponding camera so that you can see me during the exercises and I can see each and every one of you in parallel.
Costs: 10-trip card € 800, single card € 90.

2) Body Oriented Talk Group
on the topics of health and healing, psychosomatics, addiction, couple relationships, developing potential and being different, grounded spirituality, etc. as required

Topics according to participant needs, e.g.
Being different - and still belonging without bending over ?!
It's about the strange feeling of being somehow different and the need to want to belong. Together we want to stand by our otherness, lovingly explore it and discover its potential.

Alcohol - your friend and helper?
We explore the longing behind the addiction and allow individual ways of healing the stimulus topic of alcohol - in the concrete orientation to the body signals and with the inclusion of modern addiction therapy.

Being a woman today - between emancipation and the desire to be held ?!
Does the country really need new men or can we as women let men be strong men again? If so, how can we do that without us denying ourselves?

Being a man today - not for wimps
We research how men today can feel the joy of being a man again and find the courage to create a satisfactory relationship with women and / or their wives without bending over?

Times: 1st and 3rd Wednesday continuously: 7:00 p.m. - 8:40 p.m.
(i.e. every 14 days, holidays by arrangement based on the school holidays)
On Monday, January 20th Free online start - but at 8 p.m. - so that we can all try out how we can handle the technology. I am equipped with a widescreen monitor and a corresponding camera so that you can see me well and I can see each and every one of you in parallel.
Costs: 10-trip card € 800, single card € 90.

General information about the groups:
In the event of illness, the costs can often be fully or partially reimbursed by health or accident insurance companies. The cost reimbursement procedure that was previously possible for those with statutory health insurance, however, now seems to be hardly possible anymore ...
It is important to me, however, that interested clients first complete an anamnesis with me as well as several probatory individual therapy sessions so that I can get to know them well and thereby support them precisely in group therapy.

3) Training in Effective Body-Oriented Psychotherapy (EKP):
Healing Soulmotion

The complete training in EKP lasts 4 years (360 units, 80 units of teaching therapy).
However, it can be booked individually for each year, whereby it should be noted that years 1 and 2 are also open to laypeople, but years 3 and 4 are only accessible to members of the health professions.

1st year: self-awareness
2nd year: Acquisition of the basics of effective body-oriented psychotherapy, which enables counseling
Final thesis EKP (advice), certificate (permission to use the protected title: certified EKP consultant)
3rd year: Acquisition of differentiated skills in effective body-oriented psychotherapy for the implementation of psychotherapy
4th year: Independent implementation of effective body-oriented psychotherapy under supervision
Final thesis EKP as well as therapy sample, certificate (permission to use the protected title: certified EKP therapist)

Times and prices:
Selection seminar: Thursday 5.00 p.m. - 6.30 p.m., 6.45 p.m. - 8.15 p.m., 8.30 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. (6 units: 120 euros)
Training group: 2nd and 4th Thursday evening, twice a month over 4 years: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. (4 units each)
80 TU per year x 4 = 320 TU; Costs 70 euros per evening, 1400 euros per year.
Intensive seminar (35 TU, 7 days) in the 2nd year in Italy, if possible, otherwise online:
9.30 a.m. - 11 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. - 12.15 p.m. (3 units) 3 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. and 5 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. (4 units) = 7 units (EUR 500 plus accommodation and meals, travel by yourself)
40 sessions of teaching therapy in the first 2 years and 40 in the second 2 years. (a 180, - Euro / 45 min)

Further information and current dates of selection seminars on 0911/7157 4834
Further training points from the Bavarian Chamber of Psychotherapists are requested.
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